Be that as it may, I should clear up for you how this mixed up thought of censuring joy and lauding torment was conceived and I will provide you with a total record of the framework, and elucidate the genuine lessons of the extraordinary wayfarer of reality, the expert developer of human bliss.
Nobody rejects, detests, or keeps away from delight itself, since it is joy, but since the individuals who don't have the foggiest idea how to seek after joy normally experience outcomes that are very difficult.
Nor again is there anybody who loves or seeks after or wants to acquire agony of itself, since it is torment, but since periodically conditions happen in which work and agony can obtain him some extraordinary joy. To take an insignificant model, which of us at any point embraces relentless actual activity, but to get some benefit from it?
Then again, we impugn with justifiable frustration and abhorrence men who are so bewildered and dampened by the charms of delight existing apart from everything else, so dazed by want, that they can't anticipate the aggravation and inconvenience that will undoubtedly result; and equivalent fault has a place with the people who flop in their obligation through shortcoming of will, which is equivalent to saying through contracting from work and torment. These cases are entirely straightforward and simple to recognize.
In a free hour, when our force of decision is unhampered and when nothing forestalls our having the option to do what we like best, every delight is to be invited and each torment stayed away from. Yet, in specific conditions and attributable to the cases of obligation or the commitments of business it will habitually happen that delights must be disavowed and disturbances acknowledged.
The astute man accordingly consistently holds in these issues to this standard of determination: he dismisses delights to get other more prominent joys, or probably he perseveres through agonies to keep away from more awful torments. Be that as it may, I should clear up for you how this mixed up thought of censuring joy and lauding torment was conceived and I will provide you with a total record of the framework, and clarify the genuine lessons of the extraordinary wayfarer of reality, the expert developer of human bliss.
Nobody rejects, despises, or keeps away from joy itself, since it is joy, but since the people who don't have any idea how to seek after joy judiciously experience outcomes that are very agonizing. Nor again is there anybody who loves or seeks after or wants to acquire agony of itself, since it is torment, but since once in a while conditions happen in which work and torment can secure him some extraordinary joy. To take a minor model, which of us at any point embraces difficult actual activity, but to get some benefit from it? In any case, who has any option to see a problem with a man who decides to partake in a delight that has no irritating results, or one who maintains a strategic distance from an aggravation.
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